PhD Thesis
Heterogeneous Consumption and Asset Pricing in Global Financial
Markets, 1999.
Liquidity Picking and Fund Performance
(with Feng Jiao and David Schumacher), Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.
Global Liquidity Provision and Risk Sharing (with Feng Jiao), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2021, 56(5), 1844-1876.
Portfolio Pumping and Managerial Structure (with Saurin Patel), Review of Financial Studies, 2021, 34(1), 194-226.
Cross-Listings and the Dynamics between Credit and Equity Returns
(with Patrick Augustin, Feng Jiao, and Michael Schill), Review of Financial Studies, 2020, 33(1), 112-154.
Market and Regional Segmentation and Risk Premia in the First Era of Financial Globalization
(with David Chambers and Michael Schill), Review of Financial Studies, 2018, 31(10), 4063-4098.
To Group or Not to Group? Evidence from Mutual Fund Databases
(with Saurin Patel), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017, 52(5), 1989-2021.
Cross-Listing Waves
(with Michael Schill), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2016, 51(1), 259-306.
Treasury Bond Illiquidity and Global Equity Returns (with
Ruslan Goyenko), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2014, 49(5-6), 1227-1253.
City Size and Fund Performance
(with Susan Christoffersen), Journal of Financial Economics,
2009, 92, 252-275.
Swiss Finance Institute Outstanding Paper Award.
Are There Permanent
Valuation Gains to Overseas Listing? (with Michael
Schill), Review of Financial Studies, 2009, 22(1), 371-412.
Asset Pricing Models with
Conditional Betas and Alphas: The Effects of Data Snooping and
Spurious Regression (with Wayne Ferson and Timothy
Simin), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
2008, 43(2), 331-354.
The Overseas Listing Decision: New Evidence of Proximity Preference
(with Michael Schill), Review of Financial Studies, 2004,
17(3), 769-809.
Industry Risk and Market Integration
(with Francesca Carrieri and Vihang Errunza), Management
Science, 2004, 50(2), 207-221.
Spurious Regressions
in Financial Economics? (with Wayne Ferson and Timothy
Simin), Journal of Finance, 2003, 58(4), 1393-1413.
Smith-Breeden Prize Nominee.
Incomplete Consumption
Risk Sharing and Currency Risk Premiums, Review of
Financial Studies, 2003, 16(3), 983-1005.
Nonlinearities and a Pecking Order in Cross-border Investment
(with Sara Holland, Michael Schill, and Francis Warnock), Journal of Banking & Finance. 2024, 166, 087896.
Internal Capital Markets and Predictability in Complex Ownership Firms (with
Ran Chang, Angelica Gonzalez, and Jun Tu), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2022, 74, 102219.
Cross-Country Competitive Effects of Cross-Listings (with Yan Wang), Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 2020, 9(1), 116-164.
The Dynamics of Geographic Versus Sectoral Diversification: Is There a Link to the Real Economy? (with
Francesca Carrieri and Vihang Errunza), Quarterly Journal of Finance, 2012, 2(4), 1-41.
The Nature of the Foreign Listing Premium: A Cross-Country Examination (with Michael Schill),
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2012, 36(9), 2494-2511.
The Demographics of
Fund Turnover (with Susan Christoffersen), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2011, 20(3), 414-440.
Is Stock Return Predictability
Spurious? (with Wayne Ferson and Timothy Simin), Journal
of Investment Management, 2003, 1(3), 1-10.
Cross-Sectional Variations
in the Degree of Global Integration: The Case of Russian Equities
(with Pavel Fedorov), Journal of International Financial
Markets, Institutions & Money, 2000, 10(2), 131-150.
Abstracted in The CFA Digest 30(4), Fall 2000, 95.
The Alpha Factor Asset
Pricing Model: A Parable (with Wayne Ferson and Timothy
Simin), Journal of Financial Markets, 1999, 2(1), 49-68.
Abstracted in The CFA Digest 30(2), Spring 2000, 17-18.
Spurious Regression and Data Mining in Conditional Asset Pricing
Models (with Wayne Ferson and Timothy Simin), in
Handbook of Quantitative Finance, C.F. Lee, Editor,
Springer Publishing, 2010.
An Algorithm for ‘Ulam’s Game’ and its Application to Error-Correcting Codes (with Eugene Lawler), Information Processing Letters, 1995, 56(2), 89-93.
Adaptive Error-Correcting Codes Based on Cooperative Play of the Game of ‘Twenty Questions with a Liar’
(with Eugene Lawler), in Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, 1995.
Informational Transformations in Neural Networks with Dynamic Synaptic Elements (with Dmitriy Melkonian), Biological Journal of Armenia, 1989, 42(4), 393-400.
Frequency-Voltage Converter (with Dmitriy Melkonian and Hovhannes Mkrtchian), SU1647882A1, 1991, Russia.
An Algorithm for Graphical Representation of a Function with Two Variables in a 3D Coordinate System, SU50900000462, 1990, Russia.